Get Jerry: Thou Shall Not Support Israel

Opinion: Jerry Seinfeld’s Teflon Legacy Could Finally Be at Risk

Perhaps his problem is less with the left’s influence on television than with the left, period. Seinfeld, whose net worth recently passed $1 billion, has long fashioned himself an apolitical comedian, but of course he’s far from an apolitical figure. A longtime donor to Democratic candidates and causes, he has also long been a full-throated supporter of the far-right State of Israel—not so much in the abstract sense of celebrities who wax poetically about Israel’s “right to exist” than in the concrete, enthusiastic sense of a man who once took his family to an IDF “fantasy camp” in the West Bank. There he participated in “shooting training with displays of combat,” according to the camp, and posed joyfully with the same soldiers enforcing the illegal occupation that, in the wake of Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel, has now seen the slaughter of tens of thousands of Palestinian men, women, and children.

Opinion: Jerry Seinfeld’s Teflon Legacy Could Finally Be at Risk

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