Iceland’s wild scenery, tax breaks lure Hollywood – Yahoo News

“In addition to the wild landscapes, there are financial reasons to shoot in Iceland. Tax incentives lure filmmakers, as the government operates a generous reimbursement program.

Visiting film productions could get reimbursed up to 20 percent of their production costs while filming on Icelandic soil, a substantial benefit on films costing tens or hundreds of millions of dollars.

To qualify for the rebate, filmmakers must establish a company in Iceland, or create an Icelandic branch of an existing company. The filmmakers then send details about the film to Iceland’s Ministry of Industry, along with an estimate of production costs. Eligible production costs do not include wages for employees who pay tax in another country.”

via Iceland’s wild scenery, tax breaks lure Hollywood – Yahoo News.

California has been driving movie & TV productions out of state for a decade due to high labor costs and taxes. Many of the people who publicly support higher taxes, wages and benefits move their business to places where they can avoid what they say they support.

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