America’s 5 most dangerous cities: Here’s the common thread | Fox News

Topping the list is Bessemer, Alabama, a city of 27,000 residents, where the odds of becoming a victim of crime stand at a staggering 1 in 9, according to a brand new report by StudyFinds.

Once hailed as “The Marvel City” for its rapid growth, Bessemer now grapples with a brutal reality of heightened violence, property crimes, and motor vehicle thefts. Under the leadership of Mayor Kenneth “Ken” Gulley, the city has been confronted with a concerning statistic of 33.18 violent crimes per 1,000 residents. Just a stone’s throw away lies Birmingham, another city on the list, emphasizing a distressing trend within the region. 

America’s 5 most dangerous cities: Here’s the common thread | Fox News

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