The Meltdown of the Obama Genderhawks

The Meltdown of the Obama Genderhawks – Michelle Malkin

“Love all these guys, but note that 6 of 7 news orgs in front row sent men to ask @presssec abt the problem of gender pay inequity,” Palmieri tweeted.

Oooh. Get it? Palmieri was womansplaining, gender-shaming and upside-the-head-smacking the mainstream media for sending tone-deaf men to ask aboutwomen’s issues. She really zapped and zinged ’em, didn’t she?!

Well, only in her Beltway bubble-wrapped head.

Palmieri humiliated just one person: herself. In her faux-minist fog, she forgot that her own boss, the president, is a man . His vice president is a man . Their labor secretary is a man . In fact, 12 of 15 Obama cabinent members are dastardly men. And White House press secretary Jay Carney, sent by her male managers to answer questions about gender equity from the men Palmieri deemed insufficiently sensitive to women’s issues, is a man .

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